FAQ: I Think My Insurance Settlement Offer is Too Low


Q: I was injured in a car accident a few months back. The other driver’s insurance company offered me a settlement, but I declined after learning that I needed physical therapy for my knee. After completing my treatment, I reached back out to the insurance company to request an adjusted settlement. To my surprise, they only offered me an additional $200 for pain and suffering! This seems low because I had to go through months of painful physical therapy and I am still walking with pain on a regular basis. How do I respond if I think the insurance settlement I am being offered is too low?

A: This is such a common situation that we see at Wakefield Law, PLLC. Insurance company employees, as a rule, are interested in looking out for their employer’s interests. They are not necessarily interested in what is best for you. That’s why we often see initial settlement offers made too early, before full medical treatment has been completed, and too low, without taking into account the full impact of an accident on a person’s life.  

Don’t Get Bullied into Taking a Settlement Before You Feel Ready

The at-fault insurance company is looking to resolve the matter as quickly as possible and for as little money as possible. There really isn’t anyone looking out for the individuals who have to live with the impacts of the accident on a daily basis. As the injured person is trying to get their life back on track (by receiving medical treatment, getting back to work, repairing their car, and so many other impacts that come from an accident), they are also responsible for gathering medical records, bills, and lost wage documentation and making their case to the insurance companies for what they deserve. This distraction, frustration, and exhaustion can often lead to the injured person getting bullied into accepting a settlement too soon (before their medical treatment is complete) or for too little money. 

An Experienced Representative Can Make a World of Difference 

All too often, when a person is injured in an accident, they try to handle settlement on their own by dealing with the insurance company directly. Perhaps this is the norm because they think that they can avoid costly legal bills by representing themselves. Unfortunately, this can lead to much lower settlement offers and cases being closed before the full extent of the accident’s impacts are understood. Plus, this choice to settle for less just to be done with the matter is based on a flawed assumption: you do not necessarily lose money when you hire an attorney. In fact, an experienced personal injury attorney can obtain far more than if you attempt to navigate the process alone. 

This is About Getting What’s Fair, Not Earning a Windfall

Hiring a personal injury attorney to represent your interests in a settlement negotiation is more likely to result in a higher settlement than you could have obtained on your own. An experienced attorney knows how to gather medical records, bills, and lost wage documentation and formulate a strong case based on your injuries, treatments, and impacts to your life, and advocate for you until you get what you deserve. Imagine if you were able to focus on your recovery while someone else requested copies of medical bills, created a case history, determined the financial impacts of any long term injuries, helped you get immediate transportation if your car needs repairs, and spends all those hours on the phone and over email advocating for what is fair. Wouldn’t that be a huge relief? Now imagine that you do not have to pay up front or hourly for this service. That is what it is like to work with Wakefield Law. 

For over thirty years, we have been representing local individuals who have been injured in accidents through no fault of their own. Over those years, our team has honed its skills of advocacy, organization, attention to detail, and negotiation. We start every client relationship from a place of compassion. We know what it feels like to have your life and your health suddenly altered. And we know how badly you want things to go back to the way they were before. That’s why our focus is on taking things off your plate and getting you back to normal. We aren’t looking for a windfall. This is about getting what’s fair for you. 

Ready to get started? Our phone consultations are 100% free. Give us a call to discuss your accident and see if Wakefield Law is a good fit for you. We can be reached at (703) 771-9740 or law@wakefieldpllc.com.