Posts in Estate Planning
Tax Season has Been Extended...Which Means Your Chance to Start Your Estate Plan Has, Too!

There are few good things about tax season. Sure, occasionally you might find yourself on the good side of a refund. Or you might get the chance to clear out your jam-packed receipt drawer. But other than that, tax season is pretty much a drag. This season has been extended, which means an extra month of time to get your taxes done...and an extra month to take advantage of the silver lining that comes with every tax season!

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Five Reasons Parents of Young Children Need a Revocable Living Trust

As a parent of a young child, you know that your number one priority is your child’s safety and security. On a daily basis, you enact this priority a hundred different ways: from checking the car seat, to cutting up their food, to putting child locks on all the cabinet doors. All of these small acts of love are done to safeguard your young child from any possible danger.

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How Much Does a Will Cost?

As you begin thinking about your estate plan, take some time to shop around and find the right attorney for you. While price may be a factor, finding an attorney whose process and philosophy aligns with your goals is essential. Estate planning doesn’t need to be a painful process. In fact, it can be a gratifying, rewarding experience if you choose well.

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At Any Age, You Need An Estate Plan

When many people think about “estate planning,” they think about it in terms of age. Estate planning is often associated with retirement, prolonged illness, or preparing for passing. For that reason, it’s not something that is talked about often outside of post-retirement communities. However, estate planning is crucial no matter where you are in your life.

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